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Content and code samples on this page are subject to the licenses described in the Content License. Java and OpenJDK are trademarks or registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Una filosofia cosa affronta la complessità del cosmo Sopra cui viviamo per ricercare, sviluppare e compiere soluzioni lontane dai luoghi comuni, Durante consonanza verso l’architettura, la natura e le persone. L’idea del ideatore concretizzata in un preparato intorno a qualità e duraturo nel Durata.

l’avorio è “conoscente” del scuro carbone e del marrone. Questo discordia conferisce un aria molto regale. Il malvagio fa risaltare favorevolmente il colore avorio, mentre a proposito di il marrone appaiono più morbidi e naturali.

, 7 Aug. 2023 Reporters only considered evidence of slaveholding that occurred after the founding of the U.S. Journalists also limited their research to direct lineal descendants of the present-day elite rather than building sprawling family trees that included distant cousins. —

Utilizziamo fino cookie proveniente da terze parti i quali ci aiutano ad analizzare e comprendere modo utilizzi questo luogo web. Questi cookie verranno memorizzati nel tuo browser solo a proposito di il tuo autorizzazione. Hai anche se la possibilità di disattivare questi cookie. Ma la disattivazione di certi proveniente da questi cookie potrebbe sfociare sulla tua esperienza intorno a navigazione.

Called when a fragment is attached as a child of this fragment. This is called after the attached fragment's onAttach and before the attached fragment's onCreate if the fragment has not yet had a previous call to onCreate.

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Return the FragmentManager for interacting with fragments associated with this fragment's activity. Note that this will be né-null slightly before getActivity(), during the time from when the fragment is placed Per a FragmentTransaction until it is committed and attached to its activity.

Ciao! Sono Ginevra, un'amante della creato e appassionata intorno a giardinaggio. Mi piace avere in comune trucchi e consigli Durante far fiorire i vostri giardini e riempire intorno a terreo le vostre case. Seguitemi Secondo scoperchiare in qualità di trasformare il vostro angolo verde Durante un'oasi rigogliosa!

Facing relentless foes and sudden bankruptcy, an Atlanta real estate tycoon must claw his way back to the cima when his empire begins to crumble.

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view.MenuItem) to know when an item has been selected. The default implementation calls up to Activity.onCreateContextMenu, though you can not call this implementation if you don't want that behavior. It is not safe to hold onto the context menu after this method returns. Called when the context menu for this view is being built. It is not safe to hold onto the menu after this method returns.

Returns the Transition that will be used to move Views out of the scene when the Fragment is preparing to be removed, hidden, or detached because of popping the back stack. The exiting Views will be those that are regular Views or ViewGroups that have ViewGroup#isTransitionGroup return true.

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